Errata to Békés-Kézdi: Data Analysis for Business, Economics, and Policy, Cambrigde University Press, 2021

Errata to Békés-Kézdi: Data Analysis for Business, Economics, and Policy, Cambrigde University Press, 2021


This is version 0.1.0 (13 May, 2021)
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There are a few errors we made, unfortunately. Some are typos, swapped figure lables, some are imprecise language. It may be that we found an important error in code and corrected it, so the code does not exactly reproduce tables and graphs in the book.

Fortunately, we found some. As we, and our kind readers, carry on finding more errors, we are adding them here. You shall review them before reading / teaching.

If you were to find an error, please report us HERE

List of errors

ID Date added Error Type Chapter Page Problematic Corrected
10-01 2021-03-06 Typo Ch10 B1 p.293 Table 10.6 N=217 N=207
10-02 2021-03-08 Missing Ch10 B1 p.285 Graph 10.2 Note, missing info Male: blue, female: green
14-01 2021-01-06 Imprecise sentence Ch14 B1 p.401 “The number of apartments or rooms is left as it is, and treated as continuous..” “The number of guests to accommodate or rooms is left as it is, and treated as continuous.”
14-02 2021-01-20 Code not reproduce book Ch14 CS 14B Code does not reproduce results including Table 14.3, Figure 14.7 They are okay in relative terms, and do not disturb the storyline, but not exactly ok. Due to a cleaning code error. MORE – TO COME
14-03 2021-02-07 Typo Ch14 p.415 “two variables, xixj and x_i^2 x_j and x_i^2 x_j” “two variables, xixj and x_i^2 x_j and x_i x_j^2”
14-04 2021-02-13 Imprecise sentence Ch14 B1-B4 The currency is USD for price Actually, local currency (GBP) is used. Recently clarified
15-01 2021-01-19 Typo in number Ch15 p.423-24 In text, and Figure 15.3, cp=0.001 is wrong It’s cp=0.01
16-01 2021-01-19 Typo Ch16 p.443 “We have illustrated the basics of growing a regression tree using the airbnb dataset in a single London borough.” “We have illustrated the basics of growing a regression tree using the used-cars dataset.”
16-02 2021-01-19 Imprecise Ch16 p. 445 “The partial dependence plot shows the values of the x variables within each copy of the data against the average predicted y from that data.” “The partial dependence plot shows the values of the x variables against the average predicted y on the holdout set.”
16-03 2021-01-20 Typo in graph numbers Ch16 p.448 Figure 16.2a and 16.2b wrong 16.2a and 16.2b titles should be swapped: 16.2a is “Factor variables grouped”; 16.2b is “Top 10 important variables”.
16-04 2021-02-09 Imprecise language Ch16 p.446-8, Box 16.3. PDP: it shows “average y,”, about the “y-x relationship” conditional on other x variables. The PDP shows average predicted y ( y^), about the “y^-x relationship” conditional on other variables.
16-05 2021-02-13 Imprecise sentence Ch16 A1-A3 The currency is USD for price Actually, local currency (GBP) is used. Recently clarified
17-01 2021-01-21 Typo numbers Ch17 p.479 “Yields 139 euros higher profit … increase of 139 000 euros in profits” “Yields 135 euros higher profit … increase of 135 000 euros in profits “
19-01 2021-02-16 Typo reference Ch19 p.562 “… with the help of a t-test (Chapter 6, Section 5.U1).”, “…and the false negative (see Chapter 6, Section 5.U1)” “… with the help of a t-test (Chapter 6, Section 3).”, “…and the false negative (see Chapter 6, Section 4)”
21-01 2021-03-01 Typo number Ch21 p.600 In Table 21.1, the number of observations in column 1 N=8440 N is 8439 not 8440
21-02 2021-03-01 Typo number Ch21 p.600 Formulae 21.17 and 21.21 are not correct, in the second term in the denominator. In the second term in the denominator, instead of x=0 there should be x=1
21-03 2021-05-11 Typo mumber Ch21 p.607 In Table 21.2, the number of matched observations (5751 and 5528) slightly off col 1: 5716, col 2: 5481
21-04 2021-05-11 Typo mumber Ch21 p.607 In Table 21.2, the number of observations in the second column (8827) is slightly off N is 8439 not 8227
24-01 2020-12-09 Text not match code Ch24 B2 p.696 “When there was more than one candidate game within the same season for the same team, we selected the first one in the season.” “When there was more than one candidate game within the same season for the same team, we selected one in the season randomly.”