Which coding language for data analysis
Case study codes in R, Python and Stata!

Coding courses
This course material is a supplement to Data Analysis for Business, Economics, and Policy. For more, see the textbook’s website gabors-data-analysis.com.
The courses serve as an introduction to the R and Python and Stata programming languages and software environments for data exploration, data munging, data visualization, reporting, and modeling. Yes, all three!
- Coding for Data Analysis with Rstats by Ágoston Reguly with Gábor Békés
- Coding for Data Analysis with Python by Ádám Víg and Péter Duronelly with Ágoston Regulyand Gábor Békés
- Coding for Data Analysis with Stata by László Tőkés with Ágoston Reguly and Gábor Békés