Part 3: Questions and Answers

Chapter 13

Q: Are we using loss function to compare different models? E.g. the smaller the MSE is, the better the model is?

A: Yes, that is very much the purpose on the loss function.

Q: Should we care about multicollinearity then, so that we do not overfit the model?

A: Multicollinearity is a small sample issue, so in small samples this could be an issue. When you have a few hundred or a few thousand observations, having two predictors that are strongly correlated is luxury you cannot afford as the aim is to avoid overfitting. In such cases, you may well drop on or the other. In large datasets, with hundreds of thousands observations, this is unlikely to be a problem.

Q: Is model complexity the same as involving “too many” variables into the model?

A: Close. Model complexity may also include functional form issues, like interactions, quadratic terms

Q: if we want to avoid adding too many variables to the model, should we also avoid using categorical variables?

A: No. But, we may need to combine values of categorical variables. One example could be using regions such as Western Europe or South-East Asia instead of countries.

Q: I know we can calculate other loss functions beyond RMSE: MAE, MAPE and directional accuracy. Which one to use, and is it a good idea to combine error statistics with business related metrics?

A: OLS is based on RMSE, but there are models that correspond to other loss functions. Quantile regression for instance is related to MAE. Also, depending on the actual business problem, other loss functions could be indeed used. In time series, for instance, MAPE is widely used. But, taking averager does not seem a sensible solution.

Q: What do we do with the missing values flag variables if the coefficients are either close to zero or close to 1? Do we continue with keeping them in our prediction model? What happens to those missing values?

A: If flags are different from zero, they signal non-randomly missing. If so what happens next depends on what we expect in live data. If we expect missing values as well in live data, we should keep the flag, and use it as predictor. If we do not expect missing values in live data (rare case), they will not be used in prediction. But in any case, it is wise to investigate the source of missing - maybe data collection could be improved.

Q: Is feature consistency part of external validity?

A: Yes. Feature consistency is about the (i) availibility of variables and (ii) content of variables between ‘data at hand’ and the ‘live data’. Some variables may not be availbe when we use a model and sometimes the content or measurement would change. In practice this means there are benefits of using a smaller set of well established features.

Chapter 14

Q: For K-fold cross-validation, after randomly reshuffling my data and splitting it to training-tests, can training data in each “K” overlap, or should they be distinct?

A: training data will overlap, but the idea of CV is that test sets will be separate.

Q: So, LASSO is also a mechanism to rank X(i)’s according to their importance (based on how high Lamda has to be for the X to become zero)?

A: Only in the sense, that variables dropped are indeed less important in regards to prediction that those kept in the model. But for those kept, no ranking may be established by looking at coefficients.

Q: Also, can you include the same X(i) in different functional forms (if LASSO reduces unimportant variable parameters to zero, it would only keep the relevant form, no)?

A: Yes can indeed.

Q: Is LASSO similar to cross-validation and BIC in the sense that it reduces model complexity?

A: All are indeed related to the concept of model compleixty and avoiding overfitting. But, CV and BIC are for model selection, LASSO is for model building

Q: I have a question about LASSO. Let’s just theoretically say I want to use it to select variables not specifically for the aim of the prediction, but for the aim that I will later use these variables for causal inference regression. And let’s say I have a categorical variable - “states”. I create then many dummies for observation being in 1 of the states. Then LASSO most probably make coefficients 0 on some of them. Let’s imagine only dummy for being in NY will be left as non zero coefficient by LASSO. Then I put in my causal regression only this dummy. Would it have some consequences I need to think about? Does it then mean I won’t be able to have state fixed effects ?

A: Consider a causal question: \(y=a+bx+cZ\), where x is the causal variable and Z is a set of possible confounders. Now, double lasso inference (as the causal use of LASSO is called) means running y on Z and x on Z and keep the union of non zero vars. Your point is what if Z has a variable like state={s1, s2,….s50} and so we would have 49 dummies in a regression. Its okay to use LASSO decide which dummies to keep. If it drops s15, it means s15 is uncorrelated w x and y, so doesn’t matter what we do.

There is a method called Group LASSO which treats categorical variable as one unit. So in this case, this would be a better solution. Here is another option. If, having run lasso we found that say 15 out 50 dummies stays in, I would consider other information concentration measures. One option is group values, ie regions (midwest) instead of states. I think it is easier to interpret.

A new work on LASSO is a chapter in a book by Felix Chan and Laszlo Matyas
One R package is grplasso.

Q:Can we predict confidence interval and prediction interval for LASSO?

A: Yes. There is a standard error, and but this is not a trivial issue. See Statistical Learning with Sparsity: The Lasso and Generalizations by Hastie, Tibshirani and Wainwright, Chapter 6.3.

Q: The difference between the log and level models in the size of the PI was mainly due to the CI part or the “other stuff” in the formula

A: The difference in the formulae is having “more” of std[e], ie the MSE of the model. So, there is no difference in objects just that std[e] magnifies uncertainty.

Chapter 15

Q: How tried cutoff points are selected in case of continuous variables since there are infinitely many possible cutoff points?

A: While there are infinite possibilities in theory, in practice, it will always cut between two actual values - so that means a finite options. Beyond that, for very large datasets where some variable may have immense amount of values, maybe some addition shortcut is used – this would depend on the actual library.

Q: Since we are minimizing Hierarchically, by Split, how much worse is the final models’ loss function metric versus as if trying to optimize the whole tree at once? Another way of asking is can we assume that there is no different cutoff setup of same level/depth that would have a lower loss (e.g. first at age of 7 second at 6 vs. first at age of 8 second at 5)? If yes, what ensures this?

A: We can’t really optimize the whole tree – the algorithm is greedy, so we always do just one step. There is no theoretical benchmark tree to get compared to and that means that is indeed very likely that there is always a “better” tree, we just did not find it, because we cannot try out all trees.

Q: Is there a way to combine LASSO and CART?

A: No. Lasso is aimed at regularizing models that have coefficients such as OLS or Logit, CART is not such a model. CART does variable selection as it may not include variables that could contribute very little to improving fit.

Q: The Variable importance plot for the CART has small values for variables that are not in the tree shown. How is it possible?

A: Well, that was not clear for us either until we read the caret package documentation, which says “Recursive Partitioning: The reduction in the loss function (e.g. mean squared error) attributed to each variable at each split is tabulated and the sum is returned. Also, since there may be candidate variables that are important but are not used in a split, the top competing variables are also tabulated at each split. This can be turned off using the maxcompete argument in rpart.control.” This is indeed the case, the R code has a comment at the end showing it.

Q: How is the average value actually calculated for the partial dependence plot, meaning what happens to the “other variables”, are they fixed at average?

A: For more see Christoph Molnar’a ML book

Q: In Table 3 of Chapter 15 on CART, there was a table comparing contributions of each split (if I remember correctly), and the last one was exactly 1%. It’s a question whether that was correct.

A: I looked up the code. So what happens is that in the next split, the cp would improve by 0.008031415 only so it does not make it. IMHO it should be displayed as N/A instead of the binding constraint. This may be seen if you run the code and check the table for cart5 that has cp=0.002 so runs longer. (edited)

Chapter 16

Q: Could trees built in the random forest biased (compared to CART)?

A: Yes. In random forest, we build trees, by artificially reducing fit – limiting predictors that may be used. Thus, these trees, individually, could indeed be biased.

Chapter 18

Q: What is epsilon(t) when predicting y(t+1) as we don’t know actual y(t)?

A: The innovation term is what’s new in y(t) on top of what was expected of it, based on previous y observations. So at time (t), we have it as the last innovation we know. We can use it to predict y at (t+1)

Q: For time series, one needs to transform back the log predictions to level in order to compare CV RMSEs, right?

A: Indeed. We may have quantity as target in the time series in level or log. When in log, we use the formula seen in Chapter 14 to create levels and compute MSE accordingly.

Q: When using TS models, we often require stationarity for our results to be unbiased/consistent. In Chapter 18 the word ‘stationary’ does not appear. So, iss stationarity no longer required in time series data when the goal is forecasting? Is stationarity also a necessary condition when working with time series data, even if we don’t care that much about unbiasedness, but rather about forecasting?

A: You are right, stationarity matters: the model we build uses past information to estimate coefficients, and we need it to be stable over time. Not because of some asymptotics (we indeed care about asymptotic properties, unbiasedness less (if at all), but because of performance. A stationary series may be predicted with lower variance. Thus, I think a base rule, we shall detrend if needed and also allow for seasonality.

In practice, we do it in both case studies, all models have seasonality + some version of detrending.

Also, both algos referenced, do it.

  • auto-arima checks serial correlation and makes it I(1) if auto-correlation cannot be rejected (regardless of performance, ie ARIMA(2,0,1) vs ARIMA(1,1,1), the latter will be picked if unit root test fails.
  • Prophet also checks it but allows different patterns / shapes across breaks.

Q: Should we care about stationarity when using ML models Random Forest or XGBoost for prediction in a time series? My feeling is that stationary time series would make it easier for these models to identify the signal. However, given the non-linear nature of the data, they should be able to react to seasonality and time trends given that these models are no longer estimating coefficients.”

A: Hard question. I think the data science/machine learning approach differs to econometrics in terms of only focusing on performance. That is true here as well.

I consider stationarity as a combination of two problems, really. The first is simple: how to standardize training data to allow for better performance in a parsimonious way. Recognizing trend and seasonality helps because it allows a more parsimonious model – ie lower variance. The second issue is about external validity: can we assume stability in terms of patterns (trend, distributions, cross-correlations) in the future.

When deciding arima, prophet or RF – we shall focus on the first one. Thus, allowing to have a simpler model by looking for trend and seasonality may help, in a way as pre-processing.

In any case, I’d try both: preprocess data (detrend, get rid of most important seasonality) and do ML, as well as without. Pick the one that works better.

Finally, note that a case when RF/GBM may be really useful is once you add several \(x\) variables (like in a VAR), and the model also helps select \(x\) vars used. )

Q: “When we do short-term prediction in time series and use a rolling window for cross-validation, would it also make sense to compare our model performance by changing the size of the rolling window?”

A: It is actually a great idea, it has a conceptual element (ie maybe more data is not always helpful, data from long time ago may not be relevant). One might indeed try it!

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