User agreement for Overleaf access

Happy day!

TERMS and CONDITIONS and PLEAS of using the slideshow

Version: v2. Date: 17 August, 2021

Data Analysis for Business, Economics, and Policy by Gábor Békés (Central European University, Austria and CEPR, UK) and Gábor Kézdi (ISR, University of Michigan, USA), Cambridge University Press, 744 pages, May, 2021.

Have a look and if you agree, just email me, including a link to your course or a link/copy of your syllabus, and I grant you access.

The slideshow

An Overleaf folder contains the slides for the Békés-Kézdi Data Analysis textbook.

  1. It includes graphs and tables.
  2. There is a slideshow for each chapter, it has been used at Gabor B’s CEU classes.
  3. The figures folder include all tables and graphs


Use it freely, give credit, and do not share.

  1. You may use the slideshows in any way you wish, you can edit the slides, use bits from it, etc.
  2. When using anything from the slideshow, please give credit.
  3. Please do NOT give access to this package to anyone. But feel free to let anyone know that they can get access from me.
  4. Provide the syllabus (or a link to it) of your course that uses the textbook. It will be shared on the website:
  5. There shall be no copyrighted material in it, but users shall check it.


In return to getting access to my slide, I kindly ask you to help spread the word.

  1. Please share your experience with colleagues - emails and other first hand information is super useful.
  2. Please help spread the word: share information on social media, especially Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook. The book has two social media sites and
  3. Please rate the book, write reviews to Amazon or Goodreads, or any other useful outlet.
  4. Offer feedback in DM, and especially report back errors. We collect errors found in the textbook at our Errata page and please SEND US anything you may have found.


  1. Have a look and if you agree, just email me, including a link to your course or a link/copy of your syllabus, and I grant you access. (No need to sign anything.)
  2. This is read-only. So please make a copy for yourself, and then you can edit it.
  3. Your TAs may also use your access.

See more on our website: